The Dojo Decision: A LaCrosse Journey
by Tim McDermott
Hardcover at and

I formatted the interior pages, created the back cover, and finalized the complete cover template. I also converted it to EPUB for the eBook version. I provided assistance in uploading and establishing his book at a couple of self-publishing websites.



Neurotrading Handbook: Navigating Markets with Psychology
by Ricardo Riveros
Paperback and eBook at

I formatted the interior pages and provided a PDF for both the English and Spanish versions. And I converted both versions to an EPUB for the eBook format.



An Honest Guide to Self Publishing
by Alice Whiteharte
Paperback and eBook at

I formatted the interior pages and provided a PDF for the print version. And I converted it to an EPUB for the eBook version.




The Princess and the Keeper
by Alice Whiteharte
Paperback and eBook at

I formatted the interior pages and provided a PDF for the print version. And I converted it to an EPUB for the eBook version.




How to Develop Drug Products
by Murat Kulahci and Anil Menon
Paperback at and and other locations.

I adjusted and finalized the text and cover layout for uploading to self-publishing websites.




I Am Beloved: In the Footsteps of Saint John
by Pooja Chilukuri
Paperback at

I provided the interior page layout and formatting. I produced a PDF for the print edition and an EPUB for the ebook edition.




Rosie, One of a Kind: How a Devoted Guard Donkey Becomes Friends with her Fellow Farm Animals
by Gwinn Ward
Hardcover at and

I provided some interior page layout and formatting. I produced a PDF for the print edition and an EPUB for the ebook edition. Assisted with set up and placed first order of books. I assisted with setting up the account and placed the first order of books. I also assisted with establishing an Amazon Author page and the author’s draft2digital account.



Happiness is Growing Old at Home
by Maria Tadd

I provided the interior page layout and formatting. I produced a PDF for the print edition and an EPUB for the ebook edition.

Sample pages from Happiness is Growing Old at Home:




Creating Contagious Commitment

by Andrea Shapiro, Ph.D.
Paperback and Kindle edition

I provided the interior page layout and formatting, including the table of contents and index. I produced a PDF for the print edition and an EPUB for the ebook edition.

Sample pages from Creating Contagious Commitment:



A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge, Third Edition

Edited by Nicholas P. Sands, PE, CAP, ISA Fellow and Ian Verhappen, P Eng, CAP, ISA Fellow

I provided the interior page layout, formatting, and indexing. I produced a PDF for the print edition.

Sample pages from A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge:




Measurement and Control Basics, Fifth Edition
by Thomas A. Hughes

I provided the interior page layout, formatting, and indexing. I produced a PDF for the print edition and an EPUB for the ebook edition.

Sample pages from Measurement and Control Basics:




Basic and Advanced Regulatory Control: System Design and Application, Third Edition

by Harold L. Wade

I provided the interior page layout, formatting, and indexing. I produced a PDF for the print edition.

Sample pages from Basic and Advanced Regulatory Control:




Industrial Automation and Control System Security Principles: Protecting the Critical Infrastructure, Second Edition
by Ronald L. Krutz, PhD, PE

I provided the interior page layout, formatting, and indexing. I produced a PDF for the print edition.

Sample pages from Industrial Automation and Control System Security Principles:



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