Page Layout and Book/Ebook Formatting
Simple | Medium | Complex | |
Text with chapter numbers and/or titles only, < 5 images | Text with chapter numbers and/or titles, headings, lists (bulleted and numbered), < 50 additional elements such as images, tables, charts, equations, footnotes, and endnotes | Text with chapter numbers and/or titles, multi-level headings, lists (bulleted and numbered), >50 additional elements such as images, tables, charts, equation, footnotes, endnotes, hyperlinks, and cross links | |
Book Formatting for Paperback/Hardback (to include title page, copyright page, dedication, table of contents, acknowledgments, and author’s bio) – PDF provided | $99-$149 (request quote) |
$179-$399 (request quote) |
$249 – $2,500 (request quote) |
Ebook Conversion (with clickable table of contents; active links; popup footnotes) – EPUB provided | $0.35 per page | $0.50 per page | $0.75 per page |
Indexing – $0.01 per word (Tagging words throughout the book and generating a robust index to include in a medium or complex book – print version only. Indexes are not needed in Ebooks.)
Contact me for an estimate or quote. If you need help figuring out where to start, email me (
For a FIRM QUOTE, provide me with the following:
- Book genre
- Number of words in the body of your book
- Number of illustrations, figures, images, tables, equations, or other added material
- Book size (6×9, 5×8, etc.)
- Anything specific you would like to see in your book
- Contact information and time zone you are in
Indicate if you also want an EPUB.
Other services provided
Copyediting – $0.01 per word. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, consistency, clarity. Email for a quote.
ISBNs and Barcodes – $110.00 per ISBN (one needed for each format); $25 for each barcode (one needed for each format other than an ebook)
- The publisher of record/imprint on your title page will be Riveting Dreams Publishing.
- Read ISBNs and Barcodes for more information about what you need in terms of ISBNs and barcodes.
Consulting Services – First 30 minutes free. $40.00 per hour after, billed in 15-minute increments. Idea generation, planning assistance, etc.
Uploading Book Files to Publishing Sites – $45.00 per site
- Suggested publishing sites: Amazon (book & ebook), IngramSpark (book & ebook), and Draft2Digital (ebook)
Author Page Creation – $25.00 for one, $45 for two, $65 for three
- Suggested author page locations: Amazon, Goodreads, and Bookbub
Author Website Development – $419.00 for a basic website OR $499.00 for a basic website/one year of hosting/your domain name registration or transfer
An author’s website would include the following pages:
- Home page with the book and a brief description
- About the book page with a longer description
- About the author page
- Reviews page with embedded reviews from Amazon or other sites
- Page for book excerpt, or a place to do blog posts (One is included in the main package; the other would be $25 each if desired.)
- Purchase links to places where the book is being sold
- Images of book covers and author
- Social Media Links
- An email collector piece – for a potential newsletter down the road
- One email account
Check out these three demonstration websites for selected styles:
Developmental Editing Services – For developmental editing services (for children’s books, novels, nonfiction, and more), contact Cindy Draughon at or visit